
American Legion T.H.B. Post 187




T.H.B. 187 POST OFFICERS 2024-2025

Second Division, District 11


Commander- Eric A. Pulia


Senior Vice Commander- Alex Bulley


Junior Vice Commander- Matt Aldinger


Adjutant- Robert T. Blewett


 Finance Officer- Albert M. Bertolani


Chaplain / Service- Robert Gonzales


Recorder- Mark J. Snider


Historian- John A. Scudder



Sergeant-At-Arms- (open)    




Post Meetings


Post and Sons of Legion Meetings are held together at 6:00 pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month,

January through November. There is not a meeting in December. 

In March, April, May, and June, the Post and S.A.L. may hold meetings to be determined on the

second Tuesday of those months at 6:00 pm.



American Legion, Department of Illinois website:
