
American Legion T.H.B. Post 187





Second Division, District 11

Chartered September 26, 1919 - Our 105th year.


This section is to develop a written album and picture history of the Post's members to reflect on and honor years past. It could be pre-WWII history, the new building in the 50's, carnivals or Christmas parties from the 60's, fish fry from the 70's, parades, burgers and corn on the cob cook outs, bowling and baseball team photos, or any other Legion event. Please submit any pictures you have with a short story line and we will try to post it here. Please keep the picture size under 1 MB so the web site will be able to handle it. Auxiliary and Sons members are encouraged to contribute too. Send to the web editor (or by mail to the post- copies only, we cannot return material) at fairfield1923@yahoo.com with a reference topic so we know it is not spam. Suspected spam will be rejected. 

Thank you! T.H.B. Post 187


In 2019, the 100th anniversary/ birthday of the Post occurred. The first three Elmhurst World War One residents, Ernest Timrott, Marines, killed in action June 3, 1918; Richard Hintz, Army, killed in action July 19, 1918; and Kinsley Buck, Marines, killed in action June 19, 1918. T.H.B. Post 187 was named after the three men, and the Elmhurst Legion was chartered on September 26, 1919.






Pvt. Richard Hintz







Past Commanders Steve Mitchel, l. (1959),

and Doug Chant, r. (1923-24), July 4th, 1970. 




Commander Bud Jason 2002                   Commander Al Bertolani 2003



                                                                   Commander Dan Bruno 2010-11          Commander Bob Daniels 2014-15



                                                               Sons Commander Michael Kennedy 2014-15      Commander John Scudder 2016-2024             




The following is courtesy of Elmhurst Living Magazine, Nov. 2024 edition



